Magnetic therapy

Alternative medicine is based on old primitive methods, traditional medicine, folk knowledge, spiritual beliefs and new approaches to healing. Magnetic therapy is also one form of alternative medicine. Let us find out how it helps and how it came into being...

With the current lifestyle that we follow, one thing is assured, a variety of ailments; some minor while some are indeed major. Along with the development of ailments, we humans do manage to find a cure for most of the ailments. For the rest, we keep researching to find ways to either cure or help the person find some relief in some or the other way. Besides the main stream medicine, we do have something called as the alternative medicine.

What is magnetic therapy?

Magnetic therapy is a type of natural healing technique that people use to heal a variety of ailments. The alternative health practice has been in use for several centuries all over the world. This type of therapy involves the use of magnets in various sizes and strengths. The magnets can be worn directly against the skin in a variety of stylish jewellery pieces or can be used in a more therapeutic setting.

The theory behind magnetic therapy is very basic and simple. According to the therapy, blood within the human body has some magnetic properties. When a person is ill or has sustained an injury, the natural blood flow is interrupted. The interruption of blood flow also affect the internal organs and joints and this can cause pain and other unwanted symptoms.

Magnetic therapy helps to restore the body's energy to its normal balance. Magnets placed outside the body help in stimulating the blood flow with the help of magnetic radiation. The blood is allowed to flow freely through joints, muscles and internal organs, alleviating pain, swelling and stiffness.

Magnetic therapy is believed to help in the treatment of diseases like multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, arthritis, insomnia, inflammation, and even cancer and heart disease.

How does magnetic therapy work?

Magnet therapy is done with the help of many different forms. In some cases, magnets are applied to the affected areas with the help of wraps, shoe inserts, self-adhesive strips, belts, or "magnetic jewellery" like bracelets, necklaces, and earrings. Other magnetic products include magnetic mattress pads and blankets as well as magnetic-field-generating machines and even magnet-conditioned water.

Know the Benefits of Magnetic Therapy

There is also evidence that magnetic therapy does help in reducing neck pain, post-polio pain, and diabetic foot pain. But in studies on the use of magnetic therapy for relief of chronic lower back pain and wrist pain related to carpal tunnel syndrome, researchers found that magnets were not that effective as compared to placebo treatments.

Magnetic therapy, however, does help in the treatment of female urinary continence. But in 2004 a study of 24 patients was conducted out of which 58 per cent of participants showed improvement after eight weeks of receiving magnetic stimulation of the pelvic floor twice a week.

As the scientific support for its use is limited, it is difficult for us to determine how magnetic therapy promotes healing. However, theories suggest that magnets stimulate circulation, relax the blood vessels, increase endorphin levels, reduce muscle tension, and also normalize metabolic functioning.

Although claims that magnetic therapy helps to treat diseases like cancer and multiple sclerosis are not confirmed, there is some evidence that it does help relieve pain related to these chronic conditions.

Magnetic therapy should not be taken by patients undergoing radiology, pregnant women and people with cardiac pacemakers. Also, it is important to consult a healthcare professional about the condition you are seeking to alleviate through magnetic therapy, rather than letting a potential serious health problem go untreated